These days, the buyer is in control. Unlike previous generations, prospective tenants have the tools to instantly research and compare their buying decisions – without so much as leaving the couch or picking up the phone. According to Intelius, 78% of B2b consumers believe that it is very important to look up information about businesses online before deciding to interact with them. You’re likely making your first impression before you ever meet them.

You know prospective tenants are looking online, but what are they finding? How do you control your online presence? In addition to maintaining a social media  presence (blogging, Pinterest, Twitter, Honest Buildings, etc.), you should have a user-friendly and professional website.

Establish Your Starting Point

Commercial Real Estate Property Brand Management

In today’s world, having a corporate site is a given. In a recent survey of Commercial Real Estate professionals, 91% reported that they have a corporate website, while only 49% claimed to have an individual property website. By implementing a building-level website, you will stand apart from 51% of your competition!

Get Local

Having a property website isn’t enough – people need to be able to easily find it. Optimizing your site with local keywords, directions, and contact information will improve your local search engine rankings, making you easier to find. If your website’s URL contains your unique building name (i.e., you will get more local website traffic.

Extend Leasing to Your Website

Only 25% of CRE professionals surveyed reported that they don’t publish leasing information anywhere online. Less than one third including leasing information on their building website, even though it was considered one of the most important property website features. Differentiate yourself from the competition and market your property!

When building your property website, make sure that your provider offers a simple way to update and edit leasing content. This will significantly reduce the time spend managing available space and ensure that you are always promoting up-to-date listings to prospective tenants.

Having the right online presence is key to attracting business and promoting your brand. With modern, consistent design and useful features, visitors will have a positive user experience and a better impression of your building.

Check out these other resources for optimizing your property website:

  1. Get The Full Report: The Definitive Guide to Property Websites
  2. A New Property Website Solution: BuildingConnect
  3. 5 Features a Great Property Website Needs