The Property Managers’ Budget Planning Checklist

If you’re involved in property management budget planning, you’re acutely aware of the unprecedented pressure to contain costs while creating spaces and experiences that increase tenant loyalty.

Mountains of paperwork and high-stakes guesswork make property management budget planning a complicated process. Add in the continuing uncertainty of COVID-19, and planning beyond the next few months can seem daunting.

To win budget approval, you have to be systematic in your approach. This checklist offers advice to help ensure you’re as well prepared as possible. It covers:

  • Creating a budget planning schedule
  • How to account for changes in occupancy
  • Using work order data to inform decision making
  • Benchmarking operating expenses
  • Staying ahead of tenant trends
  • Using technology to automate slow processes

Download your checklist now!

Property management budget planning in action

Read the Checklist

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