Report: The Evolving Importance of Effective HVAC Management

HVAC systems have always contributed to the safety and success of CRE properties.

But during COVID-19, these systems and their ability to provide clean, ventilated air have taken center stage.

To understand how tenant expectations for HVAC systems have changed during COVID-19, Building Engines conducted a national survey of nearly 300 CRE building managers and engineers in late 2020.

Key findings of this report include: 

  • How concerned tenants are about air quality
  • How much of a priority HVAC systems—their existence as well as maintenance—are for property managers
  • How HVAC management should be handled to encourage re-occupancy

Download the report to see how you can use HVAC technology to meet new air quality standards and maintain tenants’ trust throughout re-occupancy.

Download the Report

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