Tenant satisfaction is the golden thread that connects successful property management with thriving and successful business relationships. It’s no secret that when property teams get tenant service right, properties become hotspots for tenant satisfaction.  

The “State of commercial real estate property management for 2024” report by Building Engines, a JLL company, underscores the top CRE tenant requests. Perhaps not surprisingly, tenant comfort issues lead the list (66%). Behind that, tenants want faster responses to work order (47%). 

Which tenant requests are most common for you 

Here’s what it boils down to: Quick, effective responses to tenant issues are more than just a tick on the to-do list—it’s about forging lasting connections and creating a space where businesses can thrive. In our fast-paced world, delays can lead to dissatisfaction, or worse, tenants taking their business elsewhere. But on the flip side, when property managers are prompt and attentive, they earn trust and set the stage for long-term occupancy. 

With that in mind, let’s explore some actionable strategies to keep your tenants nodding along happily and your CRE spaces in demand. 

The state of commercial real estate property management for 2024

Enhancing tenant comfort 

The issue: A whopping 66% of CRE professionals have deemed tenant comfort to have taken center stage in tenant requests. Comfort pertains to a multitude of factors, from the physical (such as temperature and lighting) to perceptual (like space usability and aesthetics). 

The solution: To proactively manage these concerns, property managers can: 

  • Implement preventive maintenance:  Regularly service HVAC systems and other comfort-related equipment to prevent breakdowns and ensure a consistent, pleasant climate. 
  • Upgrade to smart building systems: Use technology to provide a personalized environment. Smart thermostats and lighting systems can adapt to tenant preferences while also conserving energy. 
  • Conduct regular surveys: Solicit feedback via surveys or tenant meetings to understand and act upon their specific comfort needs. 
  • Establish comfort committees: Create tenant-led groups to discuss and address comfort-related issues, fostering a communal approach to space management. 

3 ways automation can streamline property management tasks

3 ways automation can streamline property management tasks

The commercial real estate (CRE) industry stands at the cusp of transformation, driven by evolving economic, environmental, and societal drivers. The year 2024 is marked…

Accelerating response to work orders 

The issue: Nearly half of the surveyed CRE professionals identified the need for faster responses to maintenance calls—a reflection of the on-demand ethos our digital world has cultivated. 

The solution: To boost response time and efficiency, consider: 

  • Leverage technology: Implement a robust property management software system that streamlines work order processes, from logging requests to tracking progress and completion.
  • Prioritize work orders: Develop a clear triage system for maintenance requests. Emergency issues should jump to the front of the queue, while less critical tasks are scheduled appropriately. (A work order management system can help you automate this process.)
  • Communicate proactively: Keep tenants informed about the status of their requests. Even if a solution takes time, regular updates can alleviate frustration.
  • Empower on-site staff: Train and authorize on-site personnel to handle minor repairs without delay, reducing the time taken to resolve simple maintenance requests. 
Top 7 goals for property managers in 2024

Top 7 goals for property managers in 2024

Read on for the top goals for property managers in 2024, complete with resources to help as you strategize for the year ahead.

Tackle the top CRE tenant requests 

Attending to tenant comfort and maintenance requests efficiently is table stakes in the current CRE scene.  

By integrating technology, fostering clear communication, and proactively managing expectations, you can deliver the experience tenants are looking for. This isn’t just about making tenants happy for today—it’s about setting up your properties for continued success and ensuring your space is always the place to be for discerning businesses. 

Download “The hidden ROI of efficient property management” eBook to learn how effective property management strategies can move the needle on your building’s maintenance and tenant satisfaction.